Depuis de nombreux mois déj?, Nicolas Favresse et Sean Villanueva défraient la chronique en s?offrant une série de superbes réalisations en big walls aux quatre coins du globe. Cette fois-ci, ils ont jeté leur dévolu, en compagnie de b.../b
Vacation is over, back to work! ? Dream In Vertical Says: July 17th, 2008 at 3:48 pm. [...] US climbers have been tearing it up. As reported by Climbing Narc and many others Paul Robinson flashed Nagual, V13 and did the 2nd Ascent of ...
Below is the large list of blogs that I subscribe to through google reader. You can subscribe directly to all of these or through my feed of them. Many of the links below go directly to the RSS so you can get the feed for the site. ...